OTL everyone is talking about it. Looks like I need to keep myself away from laptop for a few days. Can't stand to see the amount of updates about the concert /cries/ Guys the groups that are coming are all my favourite ;_; Miss A, B1A4, f(x) and yeah SUPER JUNIOR. MY BOYS ARE IN THE SAME COUNTRY AS ME AND WE'RE BREATHING THE SAME FRIGGIN AIR. WE'RE LIKE FREAKING CLOSE YET SO FAR ADSJKLPMRT IDE. TELL ME WHAT SHOULD I DO WITH MY LIFE. I want to meet them so bad tsktsk. I don't understand why I didn't buy the tix. What am I thinking at that time D8 Well act I was thinking to save money for SS4 plus there's a rumour that said they probably won't come to Malaysia for this tour. That means I need to go to Singapore if I want to see them once again. So yeah, money man. I need to save money if this is true. But I feel a slight regret for not buying the MO.A tix now. Amani and I made a plan to buy the concert and flight tix few days ago lol. But what to do it's too late now. I'll def go if I were in KL because they give 50% disc now as the tickets are not sold out :( Poor thing I live in Narnia which I need to consider so many things before going. Sigh, my fail life.
btw on a brighter note, I got my Perfection album yesterday! YAY! /dances/ I know I'm a bit late but err......just lemme spazz for this moment.
and yay I got Zhou Mimimimimimi's photocard! Hihi isn't he gorgeous?
I was watching Running Man in my room when mom suddenly shouted from the living room asking me what did I buy this time when she saw Pos Laju at the gate trololol XD Automatically burst out laughing in front of my mom because this is the 3rd/4th time that van came to my house in 2 WEEKS time bwahaha. rofl but no worries, mom understand her daughter very well so she never ban/stop me from buying this kind of stuff. Well my mom is cool n____n
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